
News Article

INSIGHTS - September Update

Author: Jovin Synott | Posted: 19/09/2018 | Views: 2026


HRT Insights: September Product Update

Jovin Synott,
Product Manager

The Health Roundtable



The Need for Speed

We continuously seek and receive feedback from users about their experience with the Health Roundtable INSIGHTS platform. Recently a question was raised about the speed of the platform which was something that we have been actively working on. You’ll be pleased to know that the improvements are now ready and have been implemented.  To improve the speed we have done the following:

  • Changed to a new server type as well as upgrading the computational power of all of the servers
  • Begun streamlining some of the backend data connections, something that will continue over time
  • Implemented algorithms that allow the platform to speed up over time as it is used.

We monitor load times under a variety of situations and actively compare ourselves to the industry standards for current website performance.  While the platform is broadly in line with the standard and quicker for some steps, we will continue to make enhancements over the coming months.    You may find that speed varies due to your own internet network congestion but please do continue to give us feedback about specific workflow steps that seem to be slow.

Reminder: Chrome or Firefox are our recommended browsers as they tend to be the quickest web browsers.

Workflow Updates

In addition to optimising the speed of the platform, we consistently challenge ourselves to make sure that the workflow allows users to quickly get to the data they need for their analysis. One of our recent changes has been to the default selection of hospitals in the investigational tabs. Going forward when you click an indicator from the executive summary you are by default shown all hospitals in the Health Roundtable, with your hospital highlighted. You can then choose to use the ‘Select HRT peer group for’ or ‘Select your peers’ filters to limit hospitals you would like to benchmark with (note: both dropdowns are independent of each other). In the future, we are looking at other options to allow for benchmarking to other HRT members that are the most appropriate for the specific investigational scenario you’re currently working on. Stay tuned!

Latest Data

Hospitals who subscribed to Package C have their latest data (to July 2018) updated on the INSIGHTS platform next week.


Recently we received a request from the Health Roundtable chatbox requesting to gain some knowledge about a particular patient group in the subacute setting. Below is how we used INSIGHTS to help them.

“I would like to get a report that benchmarks falls rates in GEM and Rehab episodes only against peers. Is it possible to run a report that is shown like the falls rates against peers in the acute patients?”
  • Select “Standardised rate of in-hospital falls” indicator in the executive summary
  • Filter on “Geriatric and evaluation management” and “Rehabilitation care” care type
  • Select peers to be compared to by using the “Select your peer hospitals” or “Select your HRT peer group” filter

An analysis of the falls rate against the peer group shows you other hospitals that you can collaborate with to learn of ways to achieve a better rate. However, insights into your services are also possible by investigating your falls rate over time to spot occurrences of unexpected variation. In this case, a breakdown of the rate by day of admission showed that patients entering rehabilitation on a Monday experienced substantially higher rates of falls which warrants further investigation.

If you have got an INSIGHT story that you would like to share we would love to hear from you at




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