
Melbourne 2022 - Delivering the Healthy Hospital

Delivering the Healthy Hospital saw Health Roundtable Members get together in Melbourne to share their experiences and innovations over the past two years. This was the first in-person conference the Health Roundtable held since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020.

The first day was centred on Workforce Wellbeing – developing a collective story of health workers’ experiences, discussions on perspectives on how member organisations were addressing workforce wellbeing and case studies on successful approaches. At the end of the day, participants made personal commitments to return to their organisations with concrete ideas to improve wellbeing in their teams and organisation.

Day 2 focused on systems thinking, specifically: how do we solve problems in complex adaptive systems? A series of presentations, case studies and workshop activities focused on the system process challenges we face in meeting patient expectations and then stepping into the shoes of other disciplines to solve each other’s system challenges.

Below you will find a range of meeting materials including: 

Day 1 Reflections

"I was reassured that the themes of our discussions resonated across the whole group and my experience was not singular. As a leader in healthcare I believe this group can make a difference. The system and pandemic have pushed us over the edge but I have hope that we as a group will find a way to reinvent, be innovative and move forward.​"

"Today I heard a collective story of longstanding issues but I have hope as people working within the wellbeing space are working with passion and innovation. I want to highlight the risk of good work happening in silos. However, COVID has been a critical incident of commonality for all of us to share, hope and collaborate on potential solutions.​"

"We planned and planned and responded to COVID and I thought recovery would never happen. I am reassured by similar experiences of everyone in the room today and know that now, I need to take a holiday.​"

"As leaders in this room our words matter and the language of hope and opportunity are vital. I will think about the way I craft this language into my stories to be sensitive to people's experience and to give inspiration and hope.​"

"I acknowledge that we have all been touched in various ways by the challenges of the last couple of years and there are many positive changes that we can draw out. As an individual manager and personally, I now have the opportunity to reflect on my own wellbeing needs rather than be overwhelmed by the next crisis."

Day 2 Reflections

"We reflected on what worked well during covid and how we take those positive lessons forward to address our current challenges: 1 workforce issues, 2. clinical issues - work that's coming from deferred elective surgeries 3. improving efficiency in our hospitals around increased demand.​"

"Trying to communicate these complex health system challenges to decision makers in a simpler way - I will review how I talk about the problems and present ideas to make things better.​"

"This event provided a chance for multidisciplinary understanding of the challenges we are all experiencing to take home and normalise our local experience."

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